Tekst gebaseerde tools

echt niet alleen voor nerds ...

Thursday, March 21, 2019

I like Markdown, a lot. I use it daily for my notes, documentation and blog-posts including diagrams in Mermaid or PlantUML.

When the organisation of Groskills asked me if I could give a talk I suggested to do it on Markdown based tools.

The presentation was made with Reveal.js. Slides are in Dutch.

See the References section below for the other version of the slides.

Sources used in the presentation:


Reveal.js is a framework for creating presentations using HTML and it supports Markdown.

The presentation is written in a separate Markdown file, decoupling content from presentation.

Reveal.js lets you go sequentially through the slides but also offer the possibility to take a “side-step”. The arrows indicate if there are slides to the right or to the bottom.

Keys bindings:

  • ⬅️, ➡️, ⬆️, ⬇️ arrow keys for navigation
  • f - fullscreen, esc to exit
  • m - toggle for the menu
  • o - toggle for the overview
  • b - for blank screen
  • s - for speaker view

Presentation dates

  • Thursday, March 21, 2019, KPN GroSkills, Groningen
  • Thursday, June 20 2019, KPN GroSkills, Groningen
