{CodeMotion} day 1
Tuesday May 16th 2017 - Amsterdam
The Power of Connections
Hendrik Blokhuis, Cisco Systems (CTO)
You live in an exponential era. It’s time to look with “new eyes” to the world around you and the empowerment you have to change and innovate our economy & society by rethinking and reprogramming legacy processes using the new building blocks the Internet-of-Everything will offer. The Internet must be made ready to handle trillions of new interactions between people, processes, data and things, whilst being intelligent, secure, open and programmable. You have the opportunity (or obligation?) to be involved. The world around screams for an update and needs developers to lead.
Faster deeplearning solutions from training to inference
Michele Tameni, mupp.it (CEO) and Intel ambassador
Intel Deep Learning SDK enables using of optimized open source deep-learning frameworks, including Caffe and TensorFlow through a step-by-step wizard or iPython interactive notebooks. It includes easy and fast installation of all depended libraries and advanced tools for easy data pre-processing and model training, optimization and deployment, providing an end-to-end solution to the problem. In addition, it supports scale-out on multiple computers for training, as well as using compression methods for deployment of the models on various platforms, addressing memory and speed constraints.
Introduction to gRPC: A general RPC framework that puts mobile and HTTP/2 first
Mete Atamel, Google (Developer Advocate)
@meteatamel, atamel@google.com, meteatamel.wordpress.com
gRPC is a high performance, language-neutral, general RPC framework developed and open sourced by Google. Built on the HTTP/2 standard, gRPC brings many benefits such as bidirectional streaming, flow control, header compression, multiplexing and more. In this session, you will learn about gRPC and how you can use it in your applications.
The road to continuous deployment: a case study
Michiel Rook, make.io (Continuous Deployment Advocate)
@michieltcs, mrook@fourscouts.nl, www.michielrook.nl
It’s a situation many of us are familiar with: a large legacy application, limited or no tests, slow & manual release process, low velocity, no confidence…. Oh, and management wants new features, fast. Using examples and lessons learned from a real-world case, I’ll show you how to strangle a legacy application with a modern service architecture and build a continuous integration and deployment pipeline to deliver value from the first sprint. On the way, we’ll take a look at the process, automated testing, monitoring, master/trunk based development and various tips and best practices.
The Strangler pattern in practice
Apply the Strangler Application pattern to microservices applications
Sponsor area
Gesproken met Nicolas Lymbouris
Gesproken met Adam Milton-Barker, Intel ambassador. Hij stond daar met een gezichtsherkennings app.
Gesproken met Michele Tameni, van mupp.it and Intel ambassador.
Mogelijke devCampNoord spreker voor de Machine learning track. Ook gevraagd naar de mogelijkheden om de Intel Machine learning als een hosted oplossing aan te bieden. Licenties zouden daar nog een uitdaging in kunnen worden, het meeste is Open Source maar niet alles. Michele gaat dit navragen en komt hierop terug. Waiting for response.
Prima initiatief voor het leren en onderwijzen van Node.js and teach Node.js. Wereldwijd en sinds kort ook in Amsterdfam en Haarlem, Groningen als volgende stad?
Mirabeau gave away a DIY (completely white) Rubber Ducky. If there is nobody around to help you you can talk to your rubber ducky. It sounds sily but it is a proven method for debuging referenced as “Rubber Ducking”
The name is a reference to a story in the book The Pragmatic Programmer in which a programmer would carry around a rubber duck and debug their code by forcing themselves to explain it, line-by-line, to the duck.
{CodeMotion}, day 2
Wednesday May 17th 2017 - Amsterdam
Bad People, Bad Computers
Terri Burns, Twitter (Associate Product Manager)
Earlier this year, NPR did a story answering the question, can computers be racist? (Yes.) Not soon after, Microsoft launched an AI chatbot experiment, called Tay, which shut down when the software began spewing hateful speech on Twitter. One of the knowns fears of AI and machine learning is the notion of algorithmic bias, which can create or indirectly allow machines to learn prejudiced behavior. In this talk, we will explore what it really means to “teach” a computer to have prejudices, and what this can mean for the future of computing.
The message was that it’s very hard to come up with all the situations your software has to face. The advice therefore is to have diversity in your team.
Clouds & Containers: Hit the High Points and give it to me straight. What’s the Difference & Why should I care?
Mark Heckler, Pivotal Software Inc. (Developer Advocate)
@MkHeck, github/mkheck/CloudsAndContainers
Numerous examples of containers (Docker, CoreOS), orchestration tools (Swarm, Kubernetes, Mesos), and cloud services (Cloud Foundry, Amazon, Azure, GCP) vie for our attention and implementations. The presenter discusses these technologies, compares them, and deploys real applications to them LIVE to demonstrate subtle differences & tradeoffs each choice imposes upon developers. Seeing is believing; lively follow-on discussions are guaranteed!
MicroMonolith - Top anti-patterns of adopting distributed systems
Michal Frank, Just Eat (Engineer)
The age of monoliths is gone. Cloud is not going away, it is here to stay. Distributed computing is on the rise. The time is now to catch up with the trend. Join me in this talk and be part of a journey from monolithic system to microservices based distributed application. This won’t be an easy road. Such a fundamental change in how we do software is riddled with anti-patterns and sub-optimal choices. My team has done it! And we want to share our path so that yours will be much more simpler. All you need to do is come and listen.
Microservices Without Servers
James Thomas, IBM (Developer Advocate)
Servers kill your productivity. Rather than building software, you end up maintaining computers. Wasn’t the “cloud” supposed to fix this? It sounded so promising until we realised it was just renting VMs in a remote datacenter. We couldn’t escape “servers”. Until now! In this session, we’ll learn how to build microservices without servers, using modern serverless platforms. We’ll look at common challenges (and solutions) to building applications using serverless stacks. Exploring serverless design patterns will give developers the knowledge to build architectures using these new platforms.
- IBM BlueMix
- Amazon Lambda
- Azure Functions
- Google Cloud Functions
Open Source:
- Apache OpenWhisk (Runtimes: Node.js, Java, Python, Swift, Docker)
API Gateway in front of Platform API. Every public Cloud provider has an API gateway.
Hosted OpenWhisk
OpenWhisk: originatyed at IBM but is now Open Source. Apache OpenWhisk
Credential management build in. You use a lot of external services. Therefore very convenient to store these with the service instead of adding them on the commandline.
Sequence, calls services in a certain order.
🔥 + 🖥 = 💪
- Github: http://bit.ly/burn+your_servers
- Slack: slack.openwhisk.org
- StackOverflow: #openwhisk
- Twitter: @thomasj or @openwhisk
DevOps in the era of serverless computing
Alessandro Vozza, Microsoft (Technical Evangelist)
@bongo, alessandro.vozza@microsoft.com
Computing is moving fast towards an API-only model where canonical infrastructure (containers, VM’s and servers) are rendered obsolete and replaced by an undefined, “serverless” Function-as-a-service (FaaS) model. If this is the lay of the land, what roles are left to the army of “DevOps engineers” that are now filling the ranks of uncountable enterprises and startups? As any transformational change, fear and anxiety for job security might lead some to close down and reject the unstoppable trend upon us; however, I’ll argue that this could be the beginning of a DevOps 3.0 revolution.
The Evolution of Application Platforms:
- On Premise
- IaaS
- PaaS
- Serverless
Do I need cloud?
- Funktion f(x), Open Source event based lambda programming for Kubernetes (comparing to other frameworks)
- Iron.io, IronFunctions is an open source serverless computing platform for any cloud - private, public, or hybrid. There is also a commercial Iron.io version.
- Kubeless is a Kubernetes-native serverless framework
- fission, Serverless Functions for Kubernetes
- Apache OpenWhisk is a serverless open source cloud platform that execeutes functions in response to events at any scale.
A curated list of awesome services, solutions and resources for serverless / nobackend applications.
Get functional! 5 open source frameworks for serverless computing
Building multi-lingual and empathic bots
Sander van den Hoven, Microsoft (Principal Technical Evangelist)
@svandenhoven, sandervd@microsoft.com
We are entering an era where interactions with computers will drastically change. Standard I/O will be replaced by solutions that interact with natural language either spoken or written. The signs of this change are the numerous bots that appear everywhere. The most popular are chatbots. This session focusses on bots, to access them with any client and to create meaningful dialogs respecting the language and emotion of the user.
What is a bot?
- A Bot is a conversation based UI
- Conversation is based on language
- Conversation takes place on a general canvas
Canvas can be:
- Chat Client: Skype, Teams, Slack, Messenger, …
- Voice: Echo, Cortana, Siri, Google Now
- App: Website, Mobiel App
Scenario’s for Bots:
- Question and Answers
- Automate Helpdesk, handoff to human if too complex
- Product selection and ordering
- Task Automation
- Proactive Assistance & Monitoring
- Expert Systems
Microsoft BotBuilder
Augment intelligence with Cognitive Services
Microsoft bot om gast uit te nodigen op kantoor. Dit zou ook voor KPN kunnen werken 😜
Bot voor diabetes advies? Bot voor Docker stack?
luis.ai one of many AI sites
Bots are cool and deliver a whole new UI using language and Speech. Make a Bot intelligent using Microsoft Cognitive Services Use a DialogManager to control Dialogs
- Bot Framework: botframework.com
- Bot builder Code: http://github.com/microsoft/botbuilder
- Cortana Skills: http://developer.microsoft.com/cortana
- Do a lab: http://github.com/alyssaong1/Bot-Framework-HOL
- Code: https://github.com/svandenhoven/Bots