The Next Web '15, Day 2

Personal notes from TNW '15

Friday, April 24, 2015


Martin Gill - Why Most Digital Business Transformations Will Fail (And How To Avoid It) - Forrester Research

speaker-martin-gill.jpg Not what but how! Lord of the Rings koste 281 m leverde 2.9 b op. Trend op film gebied, sequels.

Digital transformation is a journey not a destination. journey.png

Watch out for the “Air Sandwich”

An Air Sandwich is a strategy that has clear vision and future direction on the top layer, day-to-day action on the bottom, and virtually nothing in the middle - no meaty key decisions that connect the two layers, no rich chewy filling to align the new direction with new actions within the company. By doing strategy the old way, we’re missing the substance of the business - the debate of options, the understanding of capabilities, the sharing of the underlying assumptions, the identification of risks, issues that need to be tracked, and all of the rest of the things that need to be managed. The middle is missing a set of shared understandings that would connect the vision to the direction to the reality.

When a company has an Air Sandwich, the most valuable details and decisions that enable a strategy to succeed are left out of the strategy. source

  • A Type of Sandwich with only 2 slices of Bread and nothing in the middle.

What is design thinking? (source: University of St. Gallen) abductive-1024x605.png


“Floodhack” Met Office

“Shift from consumption to participation”, Tim Brown CEO of Ideo

Get the customer involved! Start with an idea, ask the customer, adjust idea and re-iterate.

Strategy must drive execution. “Digital first, mobile experience”

Your path is not set in stone!

“Not all who wander are lost” - J.R. Tolkien

Mark Randall - VP of Creativity at Adobe

“Thinking Inside the Box” @markran speaker-mark-randall.jpg

Adobe Kickbox, innovation platform in a box.


Having ideas takes practice.

Increase failure rate, reduce costs of failure.

Looking for disruptive ideas from very different people.

Red “kick"box:

  • Money. Each red box contains a pre-paid credit card in the amount of US$1,000. Innovators use these funds to validate their idea.
  • Instructions. Kickbox includes quick reference cards outlining the six levels in the red box. Each card includes a checklist of actions innovators must complete to advance to the next level.
  • Other innovation tools. These include scorecards, frameworks, exercises, and other materials you’ll use to develop ideas.
  • Caffeine and sugar. Each red box includes a Starbucks gift card and a candy bar, since we all know that two of the four major food groups of innovators are caffeine and sugar!

“Start Here”, handleiding met 6 stappen

  1. Inception, motivation; why do you want to innovate
  2. Ideate, having ideas takes practice
  3. Improve, elevator pitches and Zen statements
  4. Investigate, validate the problem, validate the solution
  5. Iterate, how to advance your hypothesis to demonstrate increasing value. (voorbeeld photoshop app, raise the price from free to fake “pay $1.99” button)
  6. Infiltrate, stop playing, you reached the “Boss” level Hi.P.P.O - the highest paid person’s opinion

bad ideas notebook (slechte ideeën > bewaren) bad_is_good.jpg

  • idee hoeft niet van te voren gedeeld te worden
  • problemen met financial department => trust issue
  • “best bet” ever. Vertrouwen wordt niet beschaamd, 1000 red boxes uitgegeven laatste drie jaar

Na de 6 stappen komt een Blue box, “every blue box is different because every project is different and every innovator is different”.

Empower the employees to give them the feeling of empowerment. The ‘tools’ are in the box.

From a company point of view, visualize the idea and get it in production. Visualization is done by the employees, getting it production ready is

“Every child is an artist. The problem is how to remain an artist once he grows up.” - Pablo Picasso (source) It’s important to stay a child

Kickbox idee: groep die geen photoshop kent foto’s laten opsturen koppelen aan een groep die photoshop wel begrijpt en een foto wil aanpassen.

Adobe Kickbox is free at

Tucker Max - Book in a Box

speaker-tucker-max.jpg the revolutionary new way to write a book without having to be a writer. book_in_a_box.jpg

  1. Writer is not automatically a “Hemmingway”
  2. Traditional book publishing is limiting and narrow.    Books have a fixed size, because a titel has to be printed n the side of the book.
  3. The way writing is taught is limited. All misconceptions.

“Book in a Box” company Questions that:

  1. Clearly explain what you know
  2. In a way valuable to the reader

How to turn the idea into a book. “The blank page problem.”

Don’t write, Talk. 2-3 minutes talking, one page 200 pages, 8 hours talking (200 pages is roughly enough for a technical book)

Send the ‘talk’ to an online service and put it into writing. Result is a rough draft. Now you edit or hire an editor. Publish

Process solves the following problems:

  1. Removes uncertainty
  2. Takes a fraction of the time
  3. Creates good book
  4. Works with the mind, not against it.

This process can unlock new value chains!

Example: photography in 1995 and now. Everybody is a photographer.

Note: deze boodschap heb ik op de TNW eerder gehoord! Wie (2x), wanneer, context? Wel een belangrijke terugkerende boodschap!

“The Last Lecture” book Randy Pausch

Get the book for free: leave your email address an you will be notified

Jonathan Leblanc - Identity in the Future of Embeddables & Wearables

Global Head of Developer Evangelism at PayPal, @jcleblanc speaker-jonathan-leblanc.jpg

Passwords are flawed. 91% of the users have a password from the top 1000 passwords list.

Klein percentage van de gebruikers gebruikt tools als 1Password of LastPass.

Middle-earth dictionary attack: moria_entrance.png

Fact: People forget password!

PayPal voelt zich verantwoordelijk en wil gebruikers opvoeden.

Security over Usability

Properly Encrypting Personal Information

Add extra wait time; increase the length of the password string to make it harder to decrypt.

Establishing trust zones.

There’s more to it:

  • Location awareness
  • Habit awareness
  • Browser uniqueness (bits of identifiable information, fonts, plugins et cetera)
  • Device fingerprinting

This all leads to “Variable Authentication”

Extending Security Wearables. Wearables as Unique Hardware Identifiers

Security Extension through Biometrics

The Future of Secure Identity & Data Encryption: First encrypt the data Next make it usable Use wearables

Andrew Keen, author of “The Internet is not the Answer”

speaker-andrew-keen.jpg the_internet_is_not_the_answer.jpg

2005, 2015, 2025 “The Internet is not the answer”

Gosh wat een azijnpisser.

2005-2015 is an enormous fuck-up, an epic fail! Long Tail promise has not come true It’s a winner take all community

Google is more influential than Microsoft ever was. Facebook is the dominant social network.

The Long Tail was a promise but wasn’t fulfilled.

The new economy is collecting our data en is turning us, the users into data providers The data is collected by the big companies, where is the long tail in this? Ironic. Ook dit hebben we eerder gehoord bij iemand anders op TNW

What to do? How to correct this by 2025?

Every speaker tells we are just at the beginning. Data revolution is on it’s way. Everybody on the planet is connected. Wearables everywhere, collecting data. Every industry will change, every industry!

Tipping point in the network history.

We need regulation!

Innovation and regulation go hand in hand. In 2005 there were no monopolies. The “Winner-Take-All” economy has to be pushed back by regulations.

Regulations needed on data.

In 2025 everything is connected and generating data.

We have to protect our data, otherwise privacy will no longer exist.

Free is not really free. The free model is based on collecting data and making that profitable. The customer is the datasource.

Internet needs to respect people by 2025.

A cultural revolution is needed, we are not in control of the internet and it’s content.

We still haven’t had the Chernobyl moment in privacy.

Gabe Zichermann, CEO of

speaker-gabe-zichermann.jpg Gamification: engagement crisis

gamification: 5 years, $5 bn value, 200 k trained latest book

Institutional vs Commercial and now hybrids Code for America

4 factors: Timing, story, ., .

Timing is everything!

Story Telling.

Problem of Significance.

People hate their jobs, no engagement. The problem is everywhere.

Mission, riding tide.

Generosity. Sharing is important, not sharing locks out the community.

Product vs Content:

  • Personality, product. Tessla dude
  • Personality, content. Tim Ferris

Strong personality is everything. Handle criticism. People don’t care if you are nice. Be you!