TNW Europe, day 1
Stacy Brown-Philpot, TaskRabbit
The Future of Work
“We do chores, You live life.”
Adam Leibsohn, Giphy
GIFS. What will this lead to?
“A picture is worth a thousand words.”
A while ago enhancing text with emoticons showed our intent. Now we can do even more with gifs.
Gifs are no longer just for laughing.
Kees Kolen, EQT Partners
Big bets, big wins: market domination done properly, interviewed by Owen Williams
Uber, are disruptive because they are convenient. No need to take time off to arrange a trip or get a crappy cab drive.
If you want something; explain why… it is important.
Gary Vaynerchuk, Vaynermedia
An entrepreneur’s look on leadership
@garyvee, #AskGaryVee,, Youtube
Youtube: /garyvaynerchuk
“I day trade attention & build businesses”
Add value!
Give value for free in business. Building brand, create leverage before thinking sales.
Revenue counts not the value of your business!
Be yourself, also in business.
Self awareness! Discover who you are not who you want to be.
Start-up, start making money.
Add value without expectation!
Mads Wilson, Copenhagen Suborbitals
Building Amateur Rockets for Space Travel
Amazing group of enthusiastic amateurs who’s goal it is to get an astronaut safely into space and back on earth again.
Alex Klein, Kano
A computer anyone can make
One of the most famous Kickstarter projects. A Raspberry Pi “packaged” for kids.
Jared Ficklin, argodesign
“Only You Can Prevent Skynet, Design for No UI Experiences”
@jaredrawk, @argodesigned, argodesign
Technology doesn’t go away. It just get’s cheaper.
Zen garden robot, the ultimate nothing?
Single function computers.
Snapchat IRL send flash on ir signal to prevent photo (Student in awkward situation).
Laptop watches a Cola bottle. A person rotates the bottle clockwise and counter clockwise and the volume goes up and down.
More interfaces on horizontal interfaces.
Decision support. Does not always need an ui.
Context will simplify the ui.
The OLD (laptop) had many functions, the NEW (Nest thermostat) same power 1/3 the cost, one function.
The mission used to be: Put one computer, into one hand for $1000.
Now the mission is: Put 1000 computers, into one home for $1000. Each one focused on providing one elegant experience.
UI will disappear. The interface is moving out into the open.
We are creating a meta me.
As you finish work, meta you talks to meta Heather and reports back; “We should have dinner with Heather and John!”
“Does your car have any idea why my car pulled it over?”
Responsability will really, really matter …
“There will be more conventions & new forms of internationalization”
Adventures of an Adolescent Trash Barrel Robot, Stanford Center for Design Research project looking at how people interact with an everyday robot in the wild.
- Availability: In general, people with trash welcomed the robot.
- Unavailability: People without trash shoo-ed the robot away.
- Ascribing Motivations: People think the robot wants trash.
- Antropomorphization: Some people threat the robot like a pet or a dog.
- Unteractors: Some people are uninterested in interaction and conspicuousley ignore the robot.
- Altruism: People often view the robot as public good and thus are willing to help it.
The transitions:
- Rise of intelligence
- Other singularity products
- The digital lifestyle
Great value …. Next 20 years!
“For a long time we have been creating big systems. Now is a great time to find in those systems gaps. Great value will come from closing small gaps”
Avinash Changa, WeMakeVR
The State of VR
“Tell me and I forget,
teach me and I may remember,
involve me and I learn.”
Dirk Ahlborn, Hyperloop
Crowdsourcing the Hyperloop, building a new kind of transportation
Without change there is no innovation, William Pollard
1200km per uur.
Vibranium skin!
Crowdstorm, team engagement. 6Juli 2016
“Disrupt or be Disrupted”
Large companies learned their lessons: Coca Cola, Kraft, General Electric, Unilever, NASA, Amazon, Lego
“Those who say it can not be done, should not interrupt those doing it.” - Chinese Proverb
The Dutch WeedBurger
My lunch:
Seaweed burger, 100% plant power. The Dutch WeedBurger
Jeff Jarvis, Author of What Would Google Do?
Death to the Mass!
What killed mass media?
- Media controlled scarcities: press, distribution, attention.
- The net creates abundance.
- No more gatekeepers. Now an abundance of voices.
- No more mass. No more messaging.
There are no masses - find this quote!
We must go to where our public is:
- “Audience” is an outmoded idea.
- “Content” is, too. What we make will become social tokens that inform and enable others' conversations.
Rethink news & media from the start, building around relationships, relevance and value.
Not the death of advertising, but …
- Death to the message
- Native advertising is a lie.
- Programmatic advertising is a commodity.
- Relationships are the goal.
Impact on branding, manufacturing, retail:
- End of mass production: Software makes no two phones alike.
- Move up the customer up the design chain: Human centered design.
Impact on education:
- Built to turn out widget-makers for mass production, not to create, listen, adapt, change, and find opportunity.
- This is why I teach entrepreneurship.
- This is why Google is offering its own certification.
Impact on politics & government:
- Parties - and nations - challenged as institutions.
- Small groups - communities, cults - can now discover each other and organize to challenge large institutions.
- Good news: Arab Spring, Occupy Wall Street, Indignados
- Bad news: Arab Spring, Trump, LePen, Hofer, Brexit, …
What could possibly go wrong?
- From mass to mess
- Takeover of the trolls
- Civil wars
- Bigotry against the “other”
- Tragedy of the open
- Easier to challenge than to build
The relationship strategy:
- Listen, then build: empathize
- See people as individuals and members of communities, not demographics
- Communities are internally not externally defined
- Diversity and equity
- Post-scale
- Instead of mass-media metrics of reach & frequency, Metrics of value: utility, engagement, affinity
- Design for quality, value, civility
- Built with optimism, Protect with pessimism
Listen to communities from the inside. Not from the outside. People are individuals, there is no mass!
Value diversity
- Service over product
- Tools over product
- People over product
“Death to the mass, long live relationships!”
TNW Europe, day 2
Peter Sunde Kolmisoppi, The Pirate Bay
Technology is neither good nor bad: you are
Co-founder of the Pirate Bay
Disruption all the way, very good at marketing/communication.
Good at technology, stole the North-Korean IP-space.
Called The Cult by a lawyer thay represents Scientology.
Result: they started their own copyme religion.
Gary is brought down. It’s not about making money but giving quality.
Bill Buxton, Microsoft
Socializing technology for the mobile human
Threshold of frustration.
The ROT, making fun of IoT.
Three rules:
- Every new product and service must provide great experience and excellent value-they must work, flow & generate demand.
- Every new product must work seamlessly with all others in the customer’s ecosystem.
- Each must also reduce the complexity and increase the value of each of the others.
Moral order of functionality? Depending on location. Adaptive technology. Simple technology or technology simplified. Location and context based functionality. Example: Automatic opening supermarket doors.
Reduce complexity and add value!
What if things just worked, worked together and add value?
Now that we can do everything, what should we do?
Ethan Zuckerman, MIT Media
12 Billion voices: What happens when the entire world goes on social media
Internet used to connect people with the same interest. Facebook only rebuilds you existing and mostly local network. It’s not as internet should be.
Facebook shows multiple realities (NRC/WSJ), Facebook determines the newsfeed with that they confirm the readers image of the world.
“Facebook’s role in providing Americans with political news has never been stronger—or more controversial.” - Wall Street Journal
Try it for yourself on WSJ’s Blue Feed Red Feed page.
Facebook engineering intern Paul Butler has created the stunning map of international human relationships above, using a ten million friend pair sample size …
Ronald Burt, who has good ideas? Structural holes and good ideas.
Global Voices website, check it out. Translation, bridging and discovery.
Build tools to discover new voices.
Beware of homophily!
Shameless plug for Ethan Zuckerman’s book: “Digital Cosmopolitans, Why We Think the Internet Connects Us, Why It Doesn’t and How to Rewire It”
Andy Budd, Clearleft
Building a world class design team
Silverback 3 Guerrilla usability testing app, more like a chaos monkey. It wasn’t quit ready for public release, currently removed from the App Store.
Follow andy for the slides.
Most founders claim they understand & value design.
1 designer on 3-6 developers.
Knowing what to do is the easy bit, knowing how to do it is the difficult part.
Grow your team from the inside. This is also the way to keep the people loyal to your company.
“Design is the DNA of your product”
“The technology Deadpool is littered with the graves of startups that failed to reach Product-Market fit by mistaking it for an engineering problem”
Werner Vogels, Amazon
Smart Applications through Machine Learning
AI is based machine learning and
Three types of data-driven development:
- Retrospective; analysis and reporting
- Here-and-now; real-time processing and dashboards
- Predictions; to enable smart aplications
Machine learning is the technology that automatically finds patterns in your data and uses them to make predictions for new data points as they become available.
Your data + machine learning = smart applications
The more choices you have, the more unhappy you will be with your choice.
Iterative tweaking of the offering of choices does not work. Machine learning works much better.
Training data => Training => Model Input Data => Model => Predictions
Picking a threshold is very important.
ML to detect fraudulent orders, gender predictor, demand forecasting (regression models), textbook classifier, abusive review detector.
How good is it. Reflux model, input new data into the model to tweak/tune the model.
Amazon Machine Learning Service:
- Build model
- Evaluate and optimize
- Retrieve predictions
“There Has Never Been a Better Time to Build Smart Applications!”
Creating your model in the cloud is one thing but …. how can you get your model out? Amazon, Google, Azure?
ML on-site? possible?
Object detection, segmentation.
Robotics use ML. Contest; Amazon Picking Challenge.
Vitaly Friedman, Smashing Magazine
Dirty Little Tricks From The Dark Corners Of Front-End
CSS on steroids by the guru himself. I believe the people in the room dropped their jaws in a total WTF-feeling. The stuff shown was that advanced that even experienced web developers got the feeling they were noobs.
Smashing Magazine: Dirty Tricks From The Dark Corners Of Front-End
Example; Set Table-layout to fixed and set width on the th to prevent awkward display of tables in different browsers.
The slides contain many more samples, from the grand total of 307 slides only a dozen was shown.
Joshua Hoffman, ex-Tumblr & SoundCloud, now LeaseWeb
How to survive after popularity hits
New idea, uber for toilets. Again an idea about sharing resources. Same idea filled in in a different way. Like one of the start-ups that is working on a local (private homes) barista network.
Look for the scale horizon.
Be pragmatic, handling stuff via email can work for a while.
Instrument everything, health dashboard with the system health.
Install Circuit Breakers. Circuit Breaker pattern
Standardize Your Platform.
Build a MicroServices Kit. Default template.
Cloud solves storage and elasticity. Dynamic scaling. Can result in very high costs when your site gets very popular overnight.
Turn vendors into partners. If the vendor does not want to partner, look for a smaller partner that does want to grow, with you.
Split up your system:
- Termination layer
- Render layer
- Persistence layer
Use a sorry server. In case you do not have enough resources show a message that you can not fulfil the customer needs and apologize.
Separate Logic and Persistence.
Scale requires depth.
“The real problem is that programmers have spent far too much time worrying about efficiency in the wrong places and at the wrong times; premature optimization is the root of all evil (or at least most of it) in programming.” - Donald Knuth
Frans Rosén, Detectify
Go hack yourself…or someone else will
Important lesson from this session is that you have to be really careful when posting stuff on GitHub or other public source sharing communities.
Examples showed that credentials were stored on GitHub, even after fixing it the credentials are still stored due to version control on these sites.
Ryan Holiday, Bestselling Author
The Obstacle is the Way
A session filled with quotes from famous dead people.
Stoicism is a school of Hellenistic philosophy founded in Athens by Zeno of Citium in the early 3rd century BC.
- A guide to Stoicism (2009)
- Stoicism 101: A Practical Guide for Entrepreneurs (2009)
- Stoicism: Practical philosophy you can actually use (2104)
- Stoicism isn’t pessimistic. It’s boldly optimistic (2105)
Book; Marcus Aurelius, Meditations.
- The discipline of Perception.
- The discipline of Action
- Always stay a Student
- The discipline of
- Alive time or Dead time
“Objective judgement, now at this very moment. Unselfish action, now at this very moment. Willing acceptance -now at this very moment - of all external events. That’s all you need.” Marcus Aurelius
David Allen, Getting Things Done
Game-changing Innovations
Game changing …, what game?
10 is the magic number of things you can manage.
It’s really hard to build the ultimate GTD app, and even then the market is not ready for it.
You need the cockpit of your life.
Short-term memory can handle 7 items, recent research shows it’s more likely that it’s only 4. People are not designed to store more items, that’s why we have computers to do that fore us.
Eneco Toon, the “smart” thermostat. Nice touch-screen and an API is available.
Incentro, is a reseller for the Atlassian products like Jira, Confluence and Hipchat.
Fuga, powered by Cyso
Fuga, Public OpenStack Cloud, based in the Netherlands. Deploy an SSD Cloud Server in 55 seconds. 100% OpenStack Technology, Enterprise-Grade Availability, High Speed Network, Enterprise Security.
Augment, Augmented reality app that works with “paint splatter” pattern to show 3d models.
Coffee Shots
Coffee Shots, get a coffee at a home barista. “Uber” for coffee lovers. You drink good coffee in someones home.
My Like
My Like, Mobile Concierge and Digital Tour Guide. Like Foursquare/Swarm, recommendations from your trusted social circles, friends and closed networks.
Magazine.Live, create mobile magazines in seconds. The fastest way to create and share your mobile magazine.
ThirtyMin, you apply for a meeting with the host who is at the same location as you are. If he picks you out of ten other applicants, you’ll get to meet him in person.
Cronycle, Transform the way you acquire knowledge. Start by creating specific news feeds using your trusted source library. Then, annotate those articles in a collaborative space with a team who shares your business objectives.
Firstbird, Firstbird is a revolutionary referral program that connects you with outstanding talent through the magic of referrals.
OOCar, connect your car to your smartphone. Works with your car’s diagnostic port. Find your car, understand engine problems, improve your driving, drive eco-friendly.
ArcGIS for Developers, ESRI’s ArcGIS Web Mapping APIs and Runtime SDKs.
mymanu, mymanu clik a revolution for your ears. Truly wireless earbuds with a voice translator.
FullContact, keeps you fully connected to the people who matter most by pulling in all your contacts and continuously syncing them with changes to social profiles, photos, email signatures, company information, and more.
Inexso ExchangeBox, secure key exchange. A password/pincode secured vault to exchange physical keys.
Uepaa, proximity SDK, p2p technology applied.
FixMeStick, USB stick with three anti-virus engines to clean your PC or Mac from virusses. The USB stick has an initial price and a subscription price for the AV engines. The USB stick can be branded.
SpeakerHub, find speakers easily. A hub to connect speakers with event organizers.
BizzMine, Cloud Software for a Better Workflow of Your Data.
-= EOF =-